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Technical issue is a real matter on job interview!

I've been having an headache since like 3 hours ago, when it supposed to be the best time for sharing my problem-solving experiences to my future employer. I'm still mad at myself. Why did this happen to me? 

It was totally a mess. My video interview wasn't uploaded yet. 
I was waiting for like 2 hours to be patience by refreshed the browser; off/on the connection in assuming it will solve my problem. The video alywas re-uploading after run into freeze a while. I was frustrated.

In the beginning I wasn't take seriously this interview. I just want to have a job interview experience from multinational company. Despite I already had official job, I take it for granted. In fact, I wanted to advance my english skill, especially in public speaking. 

Oh well.

To be honest, I take it for seriously! I meant it! I really want to work in FMCG industry! (Please forgive me my current company :") I would still do my best, kok. Be a professional employee :)) Until it came to the deadline of reviewing application, I refused to take the test. But I already registered my email. Then, the next day I got an e-mail about the expanding of deadline schedule. I got 2 days more to complete the test. Why don't I take the chance?

From the beginning I had a technical issue on internet connection. I was tethering from mobile connection to provide internet access on desktop. This is what makes me regret of my condition. I have tried to get internet service from some providers, but they said the slots are full due to high demand. I have to wait until they got a new slot for me.

At the end, like I've been said above, my video interview wasn't completely uploaded.

A screenshot of job interview video

You'll discover what company I tried apply on. HAHA 
Still, I love my current company. Please love me too instead of mad at me, because I was developing my english communication skill to support your business ;)

As the question above, I would like to answer with this job interview experience. I have explained my problem and I have to apologise that I do not take any solution. Instead, I closed the browser and told to myself and my mom who has been supporting me that I was truly grateful. I learnt that I have to be a more prepared person. I supposed to not to look easy on internet connection. Technical issue is totally a matter on this era of 4.0. 

Not forget. Let's be a more and more prepared person, like taking more writing and speaking exercise. I embarrassed among my friends, because I have intermediate english level. Therefore I keep to be an ever-learner.


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