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lalalalove (person 2)

been stucking on someone i barely met. he is a german who works in an investment company that has a coorperation with bappenas, our national organisation. he works in jakarta only a year. we just met 3 times, but i already attached with him on the third meeting.

since the third meeting until today it's been more than a month we haven't met. the fool part is, i've been thinking of him a lot. sick. i'm sick of his unavailable emotional. i've been questioned, is it how german behave to the casual relationship? even don't give a damn about emotional thing? or am i the one who can't do casual thing because i still needed emotional intimacy?

i can't deny that i am really into him while he isn't into me.

i hope this feeling can disappear gradually over time (at least before end of 2024).
caeli, i wanna hugging you now when he won't.

a photo when i was heading to his place. it was the second date.


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