- my obsession over going abroad and making a plan to go to singapore, visit my sister and her children - felt anxious and applied passport immigration impulsively despite my shabby financial management - my experience about going to immigration office in east jakarta. ---- Nowadays, I realized that I am always looking for people who is working or studying abroad or specifically living in Germany. Like two weeks ago I sent a direct message to a guy who is half Indonesian-German and living in Germany as a journalist. I also sent a message to an Indonesian guy in Quora who is studying and working in Berlin. He is studying media communication, as the subject that I'm interested in studying. And the latest, I asked a phone number of my best friend's friend who had a master degree in Germany. LOL But then the bad part of mine, after I sent them a message and then they replied, I hesitate to reply. It because of my anxiousness of not being capable to give them good questions or going...